Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Manbag? No...I'd just get a Boyy bag instead

Many moons ago, I decided to call my now recently ex-boyfriend Manbag. While he was none too happy with the nickname (something about being rather emasculating and all...it was admittedly rather fun seeing the faces of boys shrivel in disgust at being labelled a 'manbag'), I thought it was rather fitting. They add that little bit extra to your outfit (assuming they're good looking), carry all the stuff you don't want to be seen lugging around (how very un-glam...nobody needed to see my Accounting textbook) and make for pretty nice companions (most of the time)

Having said that, following our recent break-up, Manbag has now been demoted to last season's Mansack. Never to be repeated. There is, however, something rather inspired about giving boys' names to bags. I do worship you Jerome Dreyfuss. The concept works especially well in the case of these Boyy bags that I am totally lusting over after spying them out during one of my illicit Internet breaks during work (Spreadsheets? Uh...totally yeah...was doing that...).

I for one am totally crushing on the Slash and Clyde with their worn-in, perfect vintage-y looking leather and the HARDWARE (oh god...don't get me started on hardware)...it's a feeling that's only comparable with that totally one-sided love affair with that track runner in 8th grade. Not that anyone needs to know about that.

But looking at these babies, I'm just dying to score a date. They would be the perfect companions with everything. Insouciant, charming, practical, just a little bit rock & roll and cheeky...the perfect boy really.

The perfect Valentine.

Lots of love



1 comment:

  1. Bec, you know I think those bags are completely and utterly droolworthy.

    So, so, SO rock and roll and chic and oh-my-god-I-think-I'm-going-to-faint beautiful.
